Ashore now for two months, Dominique Wavre can reflect with some objectivity on his Vendée Globe, discuss the present and look to the future. Dominique, how is life back on … [+]

Swiss sailor Dominique Wavre crossed the Vendée Globe finish line this afternoon after 90 days, 3 hours, 14 minutes and 42 seconds at sea. He finished seventh out of the … [+]

Dominique may have been hoping for a relaxed, gentle passage into Les Sables d’Olonne, but he has another thing coming. The Bay of Biscay is living up to its reputation … [+]

Dominique is currently still lying seventh in the Vendée Globe and is on schedule to cross the Equator tomorrow. The Doldrums are his next challenge, one of the last major … [+]

There is some relief on board Mirabaud as Dominique was able to wear a t-shirt last night for the first time in a month! “It feels really good,” he confessed. … [+]

Swiss sailor Dominique Wavre set a new record this morning onboard Mirabaud when he rounded Cape Horn at the southernmost tip of the American continent for the ninth time in … [+]

Dominique has been at sea since the 10 of November, a total of 54 days… Can you remember everything that you have done in the last two months? Seems a … [+]

This morning, Mirabaud hosted a radio conference with Dominique Wavre for members of the Swiss media. The offshore specialist was his usual relaxed self and enthusiastically shared his adventure with … [+]

The Vendee Globe fleet has been at sea for 37 days and is fast approaching the halfway point. Dominique, who is currently lying south west of Australia at 42 degrees, … [+]

The Vendée Globe fleet has been at sea for 31 days and the sailors have been kept on their toes throughout, experiencing a little bit of everything in terms of … [+]

Dominique has stepped up the pace over the last 48 hours to pass Jean Le Cam and catch up with Mike Golding, the leader of the chasing pack. The three … [+]

Over the last few days the Vendee Globe entered a new phase as the fleet sailed into the Southern Ocean, one of the most remote and inhospitable places on the … [+]

The Vendée Globe fleet has bunched up in the last 72 hours as the three boats (including Mirabaud) in the chasing pack catch up with the leaders. Eight boats are … [+]

Dominique Wavre and his fellow competitors are currently picking their way around the western edge of the St. Helena High and over the next few hours will face the recurring … [+]

Yesterday Dominique crossed the Equator and passed from autumn into spring. In the southern hemisphere the temperature is rising and the days are getting longer. “It is very nice indeed,” … [+]