After the “battle”…

The Mirabaud duo had a good night and the conditions are at last calming down – relatively speaking. Dominique and Michele are on top form, Michele’s sense of humour is still as quirky as ever – she sent this message over this morning:

“Another weather front in wonderland…

At last I am off watch, a break is always welcome in these conditions. I make a beeline for my bunk, grab my Ipod and sink into the next episode of my Breton legends audio book: fairytales, Merlin and prince charming – all a girl needs…

Forty-five minutes later my very own soaking wet prince charming, with his stubble and his shaggy hair, shakes me back to reality…’Mich we need to take another reef, we have over 35 knots…’

A rude awakening and the freezing shower that drenches me the moment I step up on deck is ruder still – the fairytales of my imagination are banished and it is back to business. Mirabaud is taking a thrashing. We quickly take a reef and while we are at it, prince charming in his bright yellow Musto foul weather gear, suggests that we shake out the staysail and furl the jib.

Dreams are really not what they used to be!”

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