“Mirabaud is strong”

Transat Jacques Vabre competitors were pounded by another violent low-pressure last night that affected the whole fleet and in particular PRB and Cheminées Pojoulat, who might have to retire. One of the Class 40s lost its keel and the radio waves are abuzz with tales of minor damage across the whole fleet.

Dominique Wavre and Michele Paret are holding up well despite the fatigue, which is taking its toll on the duo. “We haven’t managed to sleep properly since the start of the race,” said Dominique. “Last night was particularly exhausting as the autopilot isn’t working properly and so we have to be on our guard the whole time.”

The pair takes turns on watch in the companionway, ready to intervene if the autopilot switches off. “We can’t stay in the cockpit as the conditions are too brutal,” explained Dominique. “The good news is that Mirabaud is strong and we are in good shape,” he said. “More strong winds are expected this afternoon, but after that the conditions are forecast to calm down a bit. A bit of a lull will do us good as these weather conditions are physically very challenging. We could do with getting some sleep.”

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