A race to the Trades

The Transat Jacques Vabre IMOCAs are moving again and expect to reach the Trade Winds tomorrow during the day.

“The conditions are excellent,” said Dominique Wavre from onboard Mirabaud. “And the temperature has risen significantly – it is 20 degrees at the moment! We are reaching at about 12 knots and, in total contrast to last week, we are having a very stress free time!”
Mirabaud is currently lying sixth and although Dominique and Michele managed to pass the boats that chose to go south, after two days of very little wind, those boats have reached the breeze again and are moving quickly.

Virbac Paprec and Hugo Boss have extended their lead and the rest of the fleet is neck and neck. The conditions might have eased, but the pressure isn’t off by any stretch of the imagination.

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