Message from Michele Paret, 26 May 2011

Another few hundred miles to go! We are tracking the weather forecast and Hollum’s progress as if we were actually onboard! Today we have started laying out the red carpet … [+]

Message from Michele Paret, 24 May 2011

HOLLUM, the ‘diminutive’ cargo ship that is transporting our race yacht back to La Rochelle is a staggering 118m long and 18m wide! It also shares its name with a … [+]

Message from Michèle Paret on 19 May 2011

Having attended the magnificent and emotional awards ceremony in Barcelona, we turned our attention to finalising the details of our new mast in order to start the build process.  Southern … [+]

Heading for new adventures

Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret are still in Argentina, getting Mirabaud ready for her shipment back to Europe.  They are also planning their next projects, including the construction of a … [+]

Time for reflection

Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret are now well rested and have taken advantage of the relative luxury of hot running water to shower.  Dominique has also been catching up on … [+]

Mirabaud safely back in port

Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret reached dry land at 5pm on Saturday, mooring up in the port of Mar del Plata, Argentina after 79 days at sea. The yacht Mirabaud, … [+]

“Solidarity amongst sailors”

Dominique and Michèle’s current misfortunes have brought out a strong show of solidarity amongst many sailors who have been through the same experience.  In the same way that a Formula1 … [+]

Strange routing

Meteorologist Marcel Van Triest is now in charge of Mirabaud’s destiny.  From his office in Barcelona, he gives Dominique constant updates on the course he must steer and even tells … [+]

Mirabaud dismasted

Currently racing in the Barcelona World Race, the double-handed, non-stop round-the-world race, Mirabaud was dismasted today shortly after 5pm.  At the time, the boat was sailing in difficult conditions with … [+]

Mirabaud is back in the fight

After a Pacific crossing marred by Michèle’s health problems, the team on board Mirabaud are getting back to their previous form and have changed their configuration for the last part … [+]

Off the pace, but surfing at 25 knots!

Mirabaud is currently sailing slower than her potential as she approaches Cape Horn with Michèle still out of action and Dominique skippering the boat single-handedly for the moment.  “We’ve reduced … [+]

Cape Horn in sight

Mirabaud is currently heading for Cape Horn, slightly off the pace with co-skipper Michèle bed-bound (or cot-bound) due to anaemia.  Dominique is single-handedly helming the boat, making as fast as … [+]

Health worries for Michèle Paret on board Mirabaud

Having suffered from anaemia for the past month, Michèle Paret has now been forced into a time-out in order to recuperate before the final push for home. Dominique Wavre is … [+]

Dominique and Michèle answer your questions:

We had an amazing response for our call for questions and the co-skippers onboard Mirabaud were only too happy to answer.  Please feel free to send us more! Do you … [+]

Just like 2010!

The passage through the Cook Strait has bunched the fleet up again, creating a situation similar to the start back in Barcelona.  With the exception of the two leading yachts, … [+]