A second violent low-pressure system struck Transat Jacques Vabre competitors last night inflicting differing degrees of damage on the race yachts. Four of the six multihulls and the 60 footer … [+]

No answer from Mirabaud! 09:00: nothing. 09:15: nothing. I waited 15 minutes and tried again as pre-arranged. Dominique’s voice came through loud and clear. “I thought it was you. Sorry, … [+]

As forecast, the wind shift came yesterday evening and Dominique and Michele tacked with it and settled on a south-westerly course. Well, maybe ‘settled’ is stretching it. “The wind shifted … [+]

The 35 Transat Jacques Vabre competitors had a rough and damp first night. A few hours after the start, Dominique Wavre and Michele Paret were dealing with 30-knot winds, sea … [+]

After a three-day postponement due to adverse weather conditions, the Transat Jacques Vabre fleet finally got away today at 15:00 off the coast of Le Havre in over 20 knots … [+]

Dominique Wavre and Michele Paret will cross the Transat Jacques Vabre start line tomorrow (Wednesday 2 November) at 15:00, destination: Costa Rica. Despite a delayed start, the first few days … [+]

The teams will sail a short course today “for the show”, before crossing the start line for real on Wednesday or Thursday. The violent storm forecast on Tuesday has led … [+]

Alexandra Lamy, Mirabaud’s ‘godmother’ for this race, visited Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret this afternoon in Le Havre. The French actress, who had never set foot onboard a yacht before … [+]

With three days to go until the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre (Sunday at 13:02), Dominique Wavre and Michele Paret are calm and collected despite a weather forecast for … [+]

Dominique Wavre and Michele Paret sailed Mirabaud into Le Havre on Friday after a three-day delivery from La Rochelle. Since then they have been gradually getting into race mode and … [+]

Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret arrived in Le Havre this afternoon and besides a few remaining minor preparations, they are race ready. Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret arrived in Le … [+]

The Mirabaud offshore duo start the Transat Jacques Vabre on the 30 October. They stepped the new mast last weekend and have started an intense preparation phase ahead of next … [+]

Dominque Wavre and Michèle Peret’s next competition aboard Mirabaud is fast approaching with the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre scheduled for the 30 October in Le Havre. Mirabaud is … [+]

Dominque left La Rochelle and the ongoing work on Mirabaud behind last weekend and headed to Switzerland for the Bol d’Or Mirabaud. He has raced this famous event many times … [+]

Hollum arrived in La Rochelle last night with Mirabaud on board at around 21:00. After a month at sea the voyage is at last over! The boat was offloaded in … [+]