Here we go again!

Only a mere 200 miles separate the nine leading boats in the Barcelona World Race after 21 days of racing, demonstrating the high level of the teams across the fleet.

Currently lying in sixth place, Mirabaud has been in a constant battle with the top teams around her, moving between third and fifth place depending on the weather systems they encounter and the tactical decisions taken. At this point in the competition, it’s safe to say the team have been doing an incredible job.

Dominique and Michèle have been putting 120% effort into the race and are working in harmony with the elements and their boat – not to mention each other! However, Dominique is not entirely happy with the situation at the moment. “The guys in front of us, Foncia and Virbac Paprec, have got away from the rest of the fleet, and the boats behind us have caught up considerably. We didn’t really have any other strategic choices,” he explains regretfully. “At least now we’re moving again and I don’t think we’ll be held up again even if there is still a small area of high pressure in front if us; We should get through it pretty quickly.”

Michel Desjoyeaux and François Gabart onboard Foncia are back in the lead despite a forced stopover in Recife. The normally calm zone along the Brazilian coast actually provided the pair with a beautiful following northerly wind, turning their misfortune into a resounding success.

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