A physical affair

As forecast, the wind shift came yesterday evening and Dominique and Michele tacked with it and settled on a south-westerly course. Well, maybe ‘settled’ is stretching it.

“The wind shifted through 20 degrees and the temperature plummeted,” said Dominique via satellite phone. “Since then it has been unsteady and cold… We are constantly manoeuvring, which is not a bad thing as it is keeping us warm!”

Sea conditions are difficult for the Mirabaud duo, with an uncomfortable cross-wave and they are expecting another low-pressure system imminently: “Michele is asleep at the moment. We are trying to rest up before the next weather system hits; it is going to be a big one. So far, everything is going very well, the new mast is perfect and we have found our groove. It is a very physical race so far, a real battle.”

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