Dominique and Michèle answer your questions:

We had an amazing response for our call for questions and the co-skippers onboard Mirabaud were only too happy to answer.  Please feel free to send us more!

Do you manage to keep abreast of current world affairs whilst sailing round the world?
Yes, we get a short update on the main news items.  For example we know about the situations in Tunisia and Libya, but to be honest we feel a little detached from things.

Do you check your Facebook account?  How do you manage it?

The account itself is updated from Geneva, but the content comes from us and we receive a copy of the messages left on the site.  On the other hand, we can’t surf on Facebook; it would be too expensive and to be honest we don’t really have the time!

Does spending so much time at sea affect your sense of balance?
Not at all!  We’re perfectly used to it.  Having said that, we have to hang on the whole time as the movement of the boat can be violent and unpredictable and we don’t want to risk injury.

Will balance be a problem once you make it back to dry land again?
Maybe for the first few hours, but the human body is incredibly good at adapting so there shouldn’t be any lasting problems.

Three years ago, we were lucky enough to be invited onboard by Dom and Miche and were able to see their incredible boat up close.  It was a real pleasure and we would like to thank you.  Miche managed to bring a pack of 4 rugby lads from the South of France to their knees on the coffee grinders.  I’d like to know whether, after 2 months at sea, she’s now ready to take on the whole French team despite a lack of iron?
(Laughs!) Of course!  Bring it on!

Would you have preferred to have taken a more southerly course, as did the current solo world record holder, Thomas Coville?
There’s more wind further south, and we would have had more strategic options if the course had been less restricted.  Having said that, there is a real danger from icebergs the further south you go and it would have been stupid to run that kind of risk.  So, in hindsight, the race organizers made the right decision and we just have to live with it

Are you enjoying this Barcelona World Race as much as the last one?
It’s a bit early to say and we’ll have to wait until we finish to be able to analyse the race.  For the moment, we are enjoying things when our speed is good as it is at the moment.  To be honest, we would need to take step back after the race to really answer that question

Are you in good health?

All three of us are in perfect shape: Michèle, the boat and myself!

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